
'晨讀|You are what you think.'
"晨讀| You are what you think. 雙語美文 英漢對照讀美文,感悟語言的藝術Some people go through life standing at the excuse counter.有些人的一生都在藉口中度過。They say they’d...
you and me,you and I,到底有什麼區別?
什麼時候應該用 you and me,什麼時候應該用 you and I,很多人搞不清楚這問題。先看個句子: You and I should have ...
英語 教育 2017-06-13
'美文分享《You Are Stronger than You Think》'
"You Are Stronger than You ThinkWhat is Strength?Strength is not always about pure physical strength.Rather,it is about willpower,discipl...
i like you but just like you
老師教了我們一句英文i like u but just like u剛想說這句不錯,老師又告訴我們它的翻譯。縱然萬劫不復,縱然相思入骨,我也待你眉眼如初,...
I live for you, you exist because of me.
Don’t spend time with someone who doesn’t care spending it with you不要把時間花在一個不在乎與妳一起分享的人身上.Maybe god mants you to meet many wrong people b...
when you
When you choose to be a sunny, happy person, a rainstorm becomes just another excuse to 一旦選擇做一個陽光,快樂的人,那風雨也只會是讓你起舞的理由。
Another 教育 2017-06-09
How are you?你還在答覆Fine, thank you. and you嗎?
由於工作原因,會接觸到一些外國客戶。初次見面時,總是避免不了相互介紹和寒暄。一大部分的外國客戶會開頭會說,Hello, i'm XX, very glad...
'雙語美文|Do whatever you can while you're young.'
"雙語美文| Do whatever you can while you're young. 雙語美文 英漢對照讀美文,感悟語言的藝術My advice, do whatever you can while you're young, it really does get ...
“Are you agree?” 還是“Do you agree ?”傻傻分不清楚!
英語 2019-04-04
「一日一語」Until you make peace with who you are
Until you make peace with who you are, you’ll never be content with what you ...
美文Just be yourself because you're unique and you'll shine
1.If you focus on what you left behind,you will never see what lies ahead.只顧回...
美文 2018-12-16
那些淺顯卻難以看透的句子:If you really love someone,you……
Aplus在線少兒英語,專屬外教一對一情景式電話教學,孩子們和媽媽們首選英語教育機構,十年品質保證。1.There is nothing so terri...
英語 李誕 教育 2018-12-02
'there you go和here you go的一字之差有什麼的區別呢'
"Here you go. 和There you go.聽起來只有一字之差,所以很多人都會亂用。那麼there you go和here you go有什麼具體的區別嗎?這兩個口語表達是不能用它們的直譯來理解的。要想準確理解這兩個口語表達的地道用法和含義,關鍵是看它們在哪種情...
音樂 2019-08-28
You win or you die:《權力的遊戲》S8E5解析!
雙語閱讀(86):Life will give you back you have given to it
A son and his father were walking on the mountains. Suddenly, the son falls, ...
讀書 不完美媽媽 2019-04-16
微小說,You say that you love me too……
有人翻譯了一段英文,美到了極致You say that you love rain,but you open your umbrella when it ...
還在用You are welcome回答Thank you嗎
外國人平時日常生活中特別愛說Thank you/ Cheers和Sorry.雖然這兩個常用語在日常生活中使用的場景不完全相同,但是針對它們的回答有些有區分...
教育 2017-05-04
愛情:Wherever you go,whatever you do,I will be here.
必克英語,專屬外教一對一情景式電話教學,職場人士和媽媽們首選英語教育機構,十年品質保證。1.I know you don't look up becaus...
英語 教育 2018-12-17